Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Because so many consumers experienced claims problems in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and Irene, the CFA urges homeowners dealing with losses caused by Hurricane Sandy to be vigilant with their insurance companies to ensure that that they receive a full and fair settlement.

As consumers prepare to contact their insurance companies in the wake of the storm, the CFA offers the following tips:

1. Report your claim as promptly as possible as insurance companies generally handle them first come, first serve.
2. Once your claim is reported, be sure to get your claim number and write it down. Insurance company claims departments can locate your file easiest by your claim number.
3. When the insurance company sends out an adjuster to survey your damage, ask if he/she is an employee of the insurance company or an independent adjuster (I.A.) hired by them. If an independent adjuster, try to secure the name of the actual company adjuster that the I.A. is sending your information to or are they authorized to make claim decisions and payments on behalf of your insurance company.

KEEP GOOD RECORDSDocumentation, Documentation
1. Start a notebook documenting contacts with your insurance company. List the date, time and a brief description of the exchange.
2. Inventory your damaged possessions.
3. Obtain a repair estimate from a trusted local contractor. Keep receipts from emergency repairs and any costs you incur in temporary housing. This may be reimbursable under the "Additional Living Expense" portion of your homeowners' policy.

Demand that the company identify the language in your homeowners' policy that served as the basis for denying your claim or offering so little.

1. Complain to more senior staff in the insurance company
2. Complain to your state insurance department.
3. See a lawyer.
Homeowners' policies do not cover flood, earthquake, tree removal (except when the tree damages the house) or food spoilage from power failures. Some insurers use an "anti-concurrent-causation" clause in their policies that, insurers allege, removes coverage for wind damage if a flood happens at about the same time.

For more information contact the Consumer Federation of America.

Friday, October 26, 2012


A piece of advice my father once gave me was never talk about religion and politics. Later, after I was married he added, "Don't talk about ex-girlfriends in front of your wife." I guess this time I am not going to take my father’s advice.  Maybe I should write a book and call it ‘Advice and Dreams of My Father.’

In my opinion, this is a very important presidential election.  It is a clear choice between government and private enterprise.  My reasons have nothing to do with all those emails I have received about Obama's religion; Reverend Wright, birth certificate, college grades, Chicago politics and on and on and on.  My vote is based on who can run the country best.

Here is my rational

To correct the economy and for Government to work there must be a compromise between Republicans and Democrats. It appears to me that Romney wins this point.  He has demonstrated his ability as Governor of Massachusetts and he said in the debates that he realizes the importance of compromise.

Obama on the other hand does not seem to be able to bring the parties and Congress together.  He has had four years and we can see the divide. Recently, I was in Washington D.C. and a lobbyist that had been a democratic senator during Bush senior’s presidency said that while he was a senator the Republicans and Democrats would pose in front of the cameras to appease their constituents but the compromise would go on behind the scenes.  If the parties did not get together then the president would work the phones.  He then said "President Obama’s phone has cobwebs." 

My final decision on this point is based on the comments of the famous Washington columnist Bob Woodward in his book The Power of Politics.  Mr. Woodward, who is famous for his reporting of Nixon and Watergate, said that early in Obama's presidency when he was working on this health proposal and then later, and more importantly, when we came close to closing on the government because of reaching the debt maximum, Obama completely shutout any compromise.  It had to be done his way.

Winner - Romney

This is an area of my expertise.  There is no question that our tax system is way too complicated and that much needs to be done to simplify and also make the system fair.  When 47% of the citizens do not pay tax they don't pay attention to what the government spends money on.  That is wrong.  Also, and just as important, we need the tax system to be stable.  This year we have to look at three different options for our clients due to the uncertainty of the 2013 tax rates and the Obamacare taxes.  We need a stable tax code that people can count on.

I also know that high taxes stifle growth.  Every week I talk with several clients that are concerned about how potential taxes will impact them.  I have heard clients say that they are not hiring to keep under the 50 employee Obamacare number.

High tax rates definitely serve as a deterrent to economic growth and employment.  Let me give you an example.  Lets first assume that I am making $250,000 per year so I am in a 58.15% bracket (40% federal, .9% and 3.8% Obama Care Tax, 2.45% Medicare tax and 8% state tax plus another 3% because my income is at a level that I lose some of my personal exemptions and itemized deductions).  Let’s say I have the opportunity to speak at a conference on a Sunday and Monday.  I have to leave on Saturday and return on Tuesday.  For this effort I would receive $2,000 net after expenses.  But wait... I would have to give the government $1,163 which would leave me with $837.  Here is the kicker.  If I am making $250,000 I don't really need $837.  It certainly is not worth it to give up a weekend, be away from my family and have to put up with the stress of travel.  But… speaking at conferences is where we attract new business.  If I am giving over 50% to the government, I am not really interested in working harder for 41.85%.  So if I am not interested in growing my business, I don't need to hire more people.

I was around in the late 1970's when Carter was president and you could be in a bracket as high as 84%!  I saw people and businesses cut back because the after tax reward was a disincentive.

Winner - Romney

The above was a popular quote when Clinton was campaigning against then President Bush.  I think it is more important today then back then.  Every day for the past two years our federal government has borrowed over $3.5 billion dollars. Every day!   Let me put that in perspective.  To count that far would take you over 111 years nonstop.  Or to put it another way, if you made $1,000,000 per day, after taxes it would take you close to 10 years to have $3.5 billing dollars. We are borrowing every day and there seems to be no end in sight under Obama.

Romney is a businessman and he has experience turning around a business and the Olympics.  He has a much better resume to fix the problem than Obama. 

Winner - Romney

I cannot say it any better than the Creighton University economics professor Dr. Earnie Gross. 

U.S. economic competitiveness is in decline. Since 2009, the U.S. ranking has dropped from number 15 to 19 of the 144 nations evaluated by the Fraser Institute. The primary factor damaging the U.S. ranking was the escalating size of the federal government with U.S. federal spending as a percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) climbing from 21.8 percent in 2008 to 24.1 percent in 2012. 

Moreover, between 2008 and 2012, overall private employment declined by 2.5 percent while federal employment increased by 1.2 percent. As the size of the federal government rose, the national debt soared from $9.4 trillion in 2008 to $15.9 trillion in 2012, advancing by about 70 percent as the overall economy expanded by only 9 percent. 

As a result of the massive U.S. debt, Standard and Poor's downgraded U.S. bonds in 2011. But the U.S. Federal Reserve has delayed the "debtageddon" by buying U.S. debt and effectively turning on the dollar printing presses and risking rampant inflation in the years ahead. Moreover, global investors, afraid to invest in stocks, have put their funds in U.S. bonds driving rates lower even with downgrades and the cheaper dollar. 

However, with 300,000 baby boomers retiring each month pushing social security spending and Medicare outlays higher, there will be a day of reckoning for the U.S. taxpayer and bond investor, but no economist knows when that is. However, the sure signal is when bond investors begin abandoning (selling) U.S. debt. This action will send the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds skyrocketing. How high could they go? Today's rate of 1.7 percent will surely bounce to something approaching Spain's current 6-7 percent. This will mean more and more federal tax collections will be devoted to the payment of interest.

This has to turn around.  This has happened under the Bush Obama presidencies and Obama has not only NOT fixed the problem, he has made it worse.

Winner – Romney

In summary, without a strong economy eventually everything will suffer.  Changes need to be made now to fix the problem.  If not, we may be looking for Ann Rand’s John Galt. 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Q:  I need a copy of my old tax return in order to get a loan. I can't find my return. Any suggestions?

A:  If you used a tax a tax preparer, you should first check with them. They should have a copy. If not, the IRS can help.

Transcripts are free and are available for the currentand past three tax years. You can quickly receive a transcript. A tax return transcript shows most line items from your tax return as it was originally filed, including any accompanying forms and schedules. It does not reflect any changes made after the return was filed.

You can also receive a tax account transcript that shows any later adjustments either you or the IRS made after you filed your tax return. This transcript shows basic data including marital status, type of return filed, adjusted gross income and taxable income.

To request either type of transcript online, go to and use the online tool called Order A Transcript. To order by phone, call 800-908-9946 and follow the prompts in the recorded message.

To request a 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ tax return transcript through the mail, complete IRS Form 4506T-EZ, Short Form Request for Individual Tax Return Transcript. Businesses, partnerships and individuals who need transcript information from other forms or need a tax account transcript must use Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return.

If you order online or by phone, you should receive your tax return transcript within five to 10 days from the time the IRS receives your request. Allow 30 calendar days for delivery of a tax account transcript if you order by mail.

If you need an actual copy of a previously filed and processed tax return, it will cost $57 for each tax year you order. Complete Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return, and mail it to the IRS address listed on the form for your area. Copies are generally available for the current year and past six years. Please allow 60 days for delivery.

Good luck on the loan.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Below is an article that digs into the changes that need to be made to salvage the Social Security system. The understatement of the past two centuries. Click on the link to read the article:Social Security Needs More Than Just a 'Tweak,' Mr. President


Finally us accountants are getting the respect we deserve. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney traded barbs about tax policy and how they would control the budget deficit, with Romney telling Obama at one point that he might need to get a new accountant.

Later Obama said he wanted to end corporate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, Romney responded, “You said you get a deduction for taking a plant overseas. Look, I've been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about. I maybe need to get a new accountant.” I wonder what the country's financial situation would be like if us accountants ran the country?


(NBC News) -- reports, "The EPA may shift corn away from ethanol use ... in the wake of this summer's fierce drought" due to shortages of the grain.  The NBC story states that under the 2007 energy bill, "15.2 billion gallons of ethanol would need to be used this year, with the plan to more than double that by 2022."  But a USDA forecast released last week predicted "next year's global corn stockpiles will (fall) to the lowest levels in 39 years."  The request to lower the ethanol requirement has the agriculture community divided.  "The EPA is expected to rule on the ethanol waiver request by early November." 

To read the rest of the article: CLICK HERE


Friday, October 12, 2012


It's the worst of times for savers invested in interest-bearing accounts, but the best of times for qualified borrowers, who are enjoying record-low rates thanks to the Fed's policies. Times can be better still for shareholder-owners of closely held corporations fortunate enough to be sitting on a cash hoard. These shareholder-owners may be in the position to borrow money from their companies at super-low rates without running afoul of the IRS required interest rates.

Today's super-low interest rate environment has produced the lowest interest rates allowable by the IRS rules in recent memory. For example, for the month of October, the short-term and mid-term AFRs are .23% and .93% respectively. The long-term rate is 2.34% for monthly and quarterly compounding, 2.35% for semi-annual compounding, and 2.36% for annual compounding.

Thus, for example, a closely held corporation making a three-year loan to a shareholder-owner could charge just .23% interest on the loan and escape the imputed interest rules. For a mid-term loan of three to nine years, made in October, just .93% interest could be charged, and for a fifteen-year loan, the rate assuming monthly compounding could be 2.36%.


After the election, either President Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will have to deal with a deficit that has topped $1 trillion every year for the past three years and is on an unsustainable trajectory. "We've made a lot of progress getting the private-sector balance sheet in order. Where we've got a lot of work to do is on the public side," says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. Bloomberg

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I couldnt find it in the dictionary, so I Googled it, and discovered it is a recently "coined" new word.

Read this one over slowly and absorb the facts that are within this definition!

I love this word, and believe that it will soon become a fully recognized English word. At last, we have a word to perfectldescribe our current political situation......

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy)- a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.


The IRS just issued regulations on who is considered a “full time employee” for the Patient Protection Act. Is it any surprise that it took over 18 pages for a law that was over 2,700 pages?

Friday, October 5, 2012


(Lincoln Journal Star) -- reports "it's unclear what the fallout will be after the House and Senate failed to agree on the choice between a one-year farm bill extension and a five-year farm bill" last month.  The article notes that federal law says that "farm policy reverts to the 1949 farm bill if there's not an operative replacement," taking producers (and consumers) back to the time "more than 60 years ago when parity -- an attempt to keep the purchasing power of commodities current with costs -- was the law of the land."   Brad Lubben, farm policy specialist at UNL, says "nobody thinks we're going back to 1949" -- because it is "economically inefficient or sort of irrelevant. It's politically unacceptable."  Lubben thinks the fate of a new farm bill "will be known no later than when the new Congress returns to work with either President Barack Obama or President Mitt Romney in the White House."

To read more of this article: CLICK HERE



Although bonus first-year depreciation and more-generous Code Sec. 179 expensing limits have been extended before, another lease on life for these tax breaks is far from certain this time around.

Unless Congress acts, additional depreciation deductions under Code Sec. 168 in the placed-in-service year equal to 50% of the adjusted basis of qualified property won't be available after this year. Also, the Code Sec. 179 expensing limit is set to plummet to $25,000 for property placed in service next year.

The message, businesses planning to purchase machinery and equipment during the remainder of this year or early the next should try to accelerate their buying plans, if doing so makes sound business sense.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


The IRS just released a nice summary of education credits and deductions.  If you have any questions let us know.   

Back-to-School Tips for Students and Parents Paying College Expenses

Whether you’re a recent high school graduate going to college for the first time or a returning student, it will soon be time to head to campus, and payment deadlines for tuition and other fees are not far behind.

The IRS offers some tips about education tax benefits that can help offset some college costs for students and parents. Typically, these benefits apply to you, your spouse or a dependent for whom you claim an exemption on your tax return. 

·         American Opportunity Credit. This credit, originally created under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is still available for 2012. The credit can be up to $2,500 per eligible student and is available for the first four years of post secondary education at an eligible institution. Forty percent of this credit is refundable, which means that you may be able to receive up to $1,000, even if you don't owe any taxes. Qualified expenses include tuition and fees, course related books, supplies and equipment.

·         Lifetime Learning Credit. In 2012, you may be able to claim a Lifetime Learning Credit of up to $2,000 for qualified education expenses paid for a student enrolled in eligible educational institutions. There is no limit on the number of years you can claim the Lifetime Learning Credit for an eligible student.

You can claim only one type of education credit per student in the same tax year. However, if you pay college expenses for more than one student in the same year, you can choose to take credits on a per-student, per-year basis. For example, you can claim the American Opportunity Credit for one student and the Lifetime Learning Credit for the other student.

·         Student loan interest deduction. Generally, personal interest you pay, other than certain mortgage interest, is not deductible. However, you may be able to deduct interest paid on a qualified student loan during the year. It can reduce the amount of your income subject to tax by up to $2,500, even if you don’t itemize deductions.

These education benefits are subject to income limitations, and may be reduced or eliminated depending on your income. For more information, visit the Tax Benefits for Education Information Center at or check out Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, which can be downloaded at or ordered by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).


·         Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center
·         Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education
·         The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Information Center
·         Form 8863, Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits)



This is going to be political so do not look at if you will be offended...