CORPORATE OWNERSHIP OF FARM LAND. Brownfield News Online reported that a new ban on corporate farming may be coming in Nebraska, but only if the Nebraska Legislature acts on a measure to supplant Nebraska’s previous ban on corporate farming, which was ruled unconstitutional. State Senator M.L. “Cap” Dierks of Ewing introduced LB 1174 last week. The measure is designed to replace Initiative 300, a constitutional amendment approved by Nebraska voters more than 20 years ago, then struck down by a federal appeals court last year. “We think there’s a need for some protections for our family farmers,” Dierks said. “Protections from corporate takeover and invasion and whatever you want to call it, so this bill will do that.” And to do that, Dierks added, without violating the Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution or the Americans with Disabilities Act, the two reasons the appeals court struck down Initiative 300 last year. Nebraska Farmers Union President John Hansen, a long time champion of the corporate farming ban, said his attorneys tell him LB 1174, if passed, would withstand a court challenge. “We worked with our legal team to address the specific issues that were litigated and we feel that we have kept faith with the original intent and structure of Initiative 300,” Hansen told Brownfield. The next step for LB 1174 is a public hearing on February 12th. From there, Dierks said he will try to get the measure approved by the Nebraska Senate Agriculture Committee. If he succeeds, Dierks said he will prioritize the bill for debate in the full legislature. Brownfield News, Jan. 28, 2008.
2008 FARM BILL. The Congressional Research Service has published a report on the tax provisions in the House and Senate versions of the 2008 Farm Bill. “Comparison of the House and Senate 2007 Farm Bills,” Jan. 22, 2008; Order Code RS22759.
2008 FARM BILL. The Congressional Research Service has published a report on the tax provisions in the House and Senate versions of the 2008 Farm Bill. “Comparison of the House and Senate 2007 Farm Bills,” Jan. 22, 2008; Order Code RS22759.
Courtesy of Agricultural Law Press
Courtesy of Agricultural Law Press