(Cattlenetwork.com) — Business, infrastructure and more will profit from an expanding dairy industry in Nebraska, according to a University of Nebraska-Lincoln dairy specialist. The increase in cow numbers will help provide milk for Nebraska's 13 dairy plants, as well as boost the economy and state's infrastructure, said Jeff Keown. Among Nebraska amenities attractive to the dairy industry are water, corn, alfalfa, ethanol plants with distillers grains byproducts for feed, and its central location on Interstate 80, two days from either coast. In Nebraska, Keown said a 500-cow dairy is a $2 million to $3 million investment, plus the per cow cost of $3,000 to $4,000. One worker is required to care for every 100 cows, with wages providing livelihoods as well as paying taxes, and supporting schools, infrastructure and businesses such as semen sales personnel and large-animal veterinarians.