Monday, December 22, 2008


This Math test can predict who can give you the best information to help you to be more profitable. Try it without looking at the answers...No cheating!

Ok get your fingers at the ready.....Pick a number from 1-9.....times this number by 3.....then add 3.....then times by 3 again.....You should have a two digit number.....Add these two numbers together.....You then should be left with a single digit number which will tell you who your best business advisor is.

1. The IRS
2. Your banker
3. Your neighbor
4. Your bartender
5. The federal government
6. Your brother in law that has made every mistake imaginable
7. Oprah
8. Your insurance guy
9. Kopsa Otte CPA’s and Advisors :>)
10. Your momma