(Omaha World-Herald) — Former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter will headline a March conference designed to give Nebraska farmers and ranchers guidance during an unusually uncertain time in their industry, Gov. Dave Heineman said today. The 21st annual Governor’s Agriculture Conference, scheduled for March 4 and 5 in Kearney, is intended to give farmers and ranchers, agribusiness representatives and rural leaders a chance to talk with top officials and experts about what’s on the horizon for agriculture. Yeutter, who will be keynote speaker, now is a policy adviser specializing in trade issues for a Washington, D.C., law firm. Other speakers include national ag policy experts Sara Wyant, president of Agri-Pulse Communications and Steve Kopperud, senior vice president at Policy Directions, Inc. For more information about the agriculture conference, visit the Agriculture Department’s web site at www.agr.ne.gov or call the department at (800) 831-0550.