Friday, February 6, 2009


I wanted to make you aware of a bill that is currently before the Nebraska State Legislature that affects livestock producers. This Bill, LB0056 which was introduced by Senator Fischer, is currently in the Natural Resources Committee.

LB0056 would amend the livestock waste management act to provide that the current pre-discharge rule apply to three distinct and separate discharges at the same animal feeding operation and provide that discharge violations by those cases found by the Department of Natural Resources, after investigation, notice, and hearing, to have been caused intentionally or by willful neglect on the part of the applicant or permit holder.

Under the current law, one act of God that impacts three locations of one producer, would put that producer in violation of the act and could cause penalties.

If you feel it’s appropriate, you should contact your state senator to give you views on the bill. To contact your state senator, you can find his address at the Nebraska State Legislature web site at: