(Lincoln Journal Star/JournalStar.com) -- JournalStar.com reports that "worries about planting delays in Illinois and points farther east helped push corn past $4 a bushel in cash markets Monday for the first time since the 2008 harvest," as soybean prices "are approaching $12 a bushel." The price volatility isn't welcomed by grain elevator managers, who "had to shell out huge sums a year ago to hedge their marketing positions on the Chicago Board of Trade," or livestock producers, who depend heavily on corn and soybeans as a feed source. But the story notes that "Lincoln-area farmer Jim Stewart, who raises soybeans and no livestock, feels good about his choices in early June. ... 'Let’s just say I’m starting to sell now,' he said."
See the story at <http://journalstar.com/articles/2009/06/04/news/local/doc4a26f4ad672c1986032804.txt>