Sunday, April 29, 2012


I spent a few days last week in New York City speaking at a conference. I spoke for two days and then I visited with some of our clients that are in that area. My wife, Maggie, went along with me so we did have a day to do some shopping and visit art galleries on Times Square.

Staying in a hotel in New York is always an experience because space is so expensive. My room was 17' x 11. This included the bathroom, shower and then the bed. No closets only two drawers. At the same time this is a brand-new motel or hotel and a unique experience because of all the technology that was involved.

One of my favorite books and a requirement for everyone that works in my office is Raving Fans. One of the principles that creates a ‘Raving Fan’ is to do what you do very well but don't try to do everything. The hotel was a very good example of this. Everything they did, they did with class and it definitely had a WOW factor. At the same time there were a lot of things they didn't do, which was okay also.

If you've never been to New York I suggest that you put it on your bucket list. There's no place like it. On a weeknight at 11 PM to be walking down Eighth Street or Seventh Street or Times Square and to be shoulder to shoulder with people is amazing. Central Park- the theaters - the shopping - no place like in the world!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I was honored to be asked to be a part of this month's Salon Today's Money Puzzle article. Salon Today asked a group of experts that examine every angle of your business to help you find, grow and save more money.

Please check it out: CLICK HERE

Friday, April 27, 2012


(AP/ --  Last night, the AP reported that the Obama administration is dropping an effort to prevent children working on farms owned by anyone other than their parents.  "The Labor Department says it is withdrawing proposed rules that would ban children younger than 16 from using most power-driven equipment ... The rules also would prevent those younger than 18 from working in feed lots, grain bins and stockyards." 

To read more of this article: CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 26, 2012


(The Hill) -- reports, "The Senate Agriculture Committee on Thursday approved a new five-year farm bill over the objections of southern senators in a 16 to 5 final vote."  According to the story, "overall the bill cuts $24.7 billion in funding over ten years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. It eliminates traditional direct payment farm subsidies and creates new crop insurance plans to reduce risk to farmers."  The article also notes that "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has committed to bringing the farm bill to the floor even if House leaders stall on it. ... The current farm bill runs out in September but opposition by fiscal conservatives in the House could stall action there."

To read more of this article: CLICK HERE

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Here are some statistics to put the nation’s income tax system in perspective.

     ► 143 million tax returns were filed with the IRS in 2010, some of which represent households and married couples. 

     ► Only 85 million actually paid taxes out of the 143 million filers.  In other words, 58 million, or 41%, were non-payers.  96% of these non-payers made less than $50,000.

     ► The IRS paid out $105 billion in refundable credits to filers who paid no income tax.

     ► The effective tax rate for those making less than $50,000 was 3.5%, and their share of taxes paid was 6.7%.

     ► The effective tax rate for those making more than $50,000 was 14.1%, and their share of taxes paid was 93.3%.

     ► The effective tax rate for those making more than $250,000 was 23.4%, and their share of taxes paid was 45.7%.

     ► The IRS estimates that it takes more than 7 billion hours to comply with the tax code each year.

     ► The tax code is now 3.8 million words long.


(Southeast Farm Press) -- reports, "U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, leaders of the U.S. Agriculture Crop Insurers Association and the directors of all U.S. grain associations agree that the single most critical part of the upcoming farm bill has to be crop insurance."  According to the story, high grain prices "have brought with them highest in history input costs, and risk associated with planting such a capital-intensive crop demands some sort of safety net."  Steve Rutledge, a spokesperson for crop insurance companies, noted that "crop insurance represented only 8% of the farm bill spending" and "one-tenth of 1% of overall government outlays" in the 2008 farm law.

To read the rest of the article: CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 19, 2012


We finally made it to the  end of the 2012 tax season and due to our office changing software, I must say it has been a little more difficult than normal and all of the returns took a little longer than usual, but our team did a great job and our clients, as usual, gave us some grace.

I just want to take this time to say thanks to all of our readers for their questions during the season and our readership continues to grow each month and I look forward to my 41st tax season next year.

I will be traveling to New York City this weekend, speaking at the IBS show at the Jacob Jarvis Center and then meeting with some of our New York clients and some of our other distance clients that are in attendance.  My wife Maggie is going with me so there will be a little R&R between meetings. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Death and taxes aren’t only certain; they also seem to share a same deadline in the U.S., according to a study that points to the role of stress in fatal accidents.

According to Deaths from traffic accidents around April 15, traditionally the last day to file individual income taxes in the U.S., rose 6 percent on average on each of the last 30 years of tax filing days compared with a day during the week prior and a week later, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Even allowing Americans to file their taxes electronically hasn’t negated the crash trend, lead researcher Donald Redelmeier said. The findings suggest stress, lack of sleep, alcohol use and less tolerance to other drivers on tax deadline day may contribute to an increase in deaths on the road, Redelmeier said.

“An increase of risk in this magnitude is about the same as what we observe on Super Bowl Sunday, a time notorious in the U.S. for drinking and driving,” said Redelmeier, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto in Canada, in an April 6 telephone interview.

The research showed that there were 226 fatal crashes for each of the 30 tax days and 213 fatal accidents for each of the 60 control days.

Stressful Deadlines

“Our research suggests that stressful deadlines can contribute to driver error that can contribute to fatal crashes,” Redelmeier said. “People have, for a long time, speculated that psychological stress may contribute to real world crashes, but this is the first study to pin that down.”

The study, which appears as a research letter in the medical journal, looked at tax deadline data from the Internal Revenue Service and fatal traffic accident data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration from 1980 to 2009. The researchers then used a database to identify crashes that led to deaths. For every tax day, they also identified a day one week before and one week after as a comparison.

Redelmeier said drivers who are stressed should remember to buckle their seat belts, obey the speed limit, avoid alcohol, minimize distractions and refrain from driving recklessly.

“Under normal circumstances, everyone nods their heads agreeable,” he said. “Under stressful circumstances, it’s when you tend to forget these pieces of advice.”

To read the article: CLICK HERE

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Wall Street Journal editorial, Obama's Revenue Soup: A History Lesson on Capital Gains Taxes:

In "Annie Hall," Woody Allen tells the joke of two women complaining about a restaurant. The first says the food here is awful and the second replies, yes, and they serve such small portions. Sounds like President Obama's proposal to raise the capital-gains tax: It will hurt the economy and it won't raise much new revenue.

Mr. Obama's plan would raise the capital-gains rate on January 1 to 20% on those who earn more than $200,000 ($250,000 for couples), plus a 3.8% investment surtax to finance ObamaCare. That 23.8% rate amounts to a nearly 60% increase from the 15% rate in effect since 2003. And that's without his new "Buffett rule," which would take the rate to 30% for many taxpayers.

This and other rate hikes aimed at higher-income earners are supposed to raise about $700 billion in tax revenues over the next decade. Fat chance. Ever since the famous 1978 bipartisan capital-gains tax cut sponsored by the late William Steiger of Wisconsin, the same pattern has repeated itself: raising the capital-gains rate reduces revenues, and lowering it leads to revenue increases.

The nearby chart shows the 35-year trend in capital-gains revenue and tax rates—through 2008, the last year data are available.
The data clearly show that the overall economy is the single biggest factor in capital-gains realizations and revenue. But the data also show that time and again revenue has multiplied despite a lower rate, and arguably because of it. ... Congress shouldn't be fooled by government forecasters who predict a revenue boom from a higher capital-gains rate. They have blown this call every time. ...

In our view the optimal capital-gains tax rate is one that leads to the most capital investment, jobs and wealth gains for American workers. That economically optimal rate is somewhere close to zero and would lead to more overall tax revenue as the economy grew faster. But if Congress wants a capital-gains tax, history suggests the revenue maximizing rate is closer to 15% than to 23.8%.

As John F. Kennedy put it in 1963 when he endorsed a cut in this tax: "The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital" as well as "the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy."

Today's Democrats in Washington are no Jack Kennedys. As President Obama told Charlie Gibson of ABC News in 2008, whether or not a higher capital-gains tax raises more revenue is irrelevant to him. He wants a higher rate as a matter of "fairness." The soup may be lousy but he wants more of it.


Did you ever wonder why the IRS is getting involved in our health care?  It has to do with them monitoring all the businesses to determine that they are providing the required coverage.  If you have ever tried to call the IRS you should be afraid.  It is not unusual to be on hold for 30 minutes.  I have even been on hold and then the music goes away and a busy signal comes over the phone.  I call back only to find that they are now closed for the day.

Even though the Supreme Court is looking at Obamacare they still are going forward funding the IRS.  See the article that was in Market Watch:

Friday, April 13, 2012


As you most likely know, on April 9, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum suspended his campaign for the 2012 presidential race. This move effectively clears the way for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to assume the Republican nomination.  This helps clear the way in determining your future tax situation Romney has made taxes a centerpiece of his campaign, and we expect to see even more attention focused on the issue as November draws near:

  • Romney would make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
  • He would cut top rates to 25% for both individuals and corporations.
  • He would eliminate tax on interest, dividends, and capital gains for taxpayers making under $200,000.
  • He would eliminate the estate tax entirely.
  • He would eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) as well as new taxes imposed by the 2010 health care reform legislation.

We realize that this year's Presidential race will have a major effect on your taxes. So we're committed to tracking both candidates' tax proposals, letting you know how they affect your wallet, and offering proactive suggestions to plan for tax law changes. We're not here to take sides. We just want you to know we've got your back.
We'll be following the race carefully through November and beyond. So, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


If you paid someone to care for your child, spouse, or dependent last year, you may qualify to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit when you file your federal income tax return. Below are 10 things the IRS wants you to know about claiming the credit for child and dependent care expenses.

1. The care must have been provided for one or more qualifying persons. A qualifying person is your dependent child age 12 or younger when the care was provided. Additionally, your spouse and certain other individuals who are physically or mentally incapable of self-care may also be qualifying persons. You must identify each qualifying person on your tax return.

2. The care must have been provided so you – and your spouse if you are married filing jointly – could work or look for work.

3. You – and your spouse if you file jointly – must have earned income from wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee compensation or net earnings from self-employment. One spouse may be considered as having earned income if they were a full-time student or were physically or mentally unable to care for themselves.

4. The payments for care cannot be paid to your spouse, to the parent of your qualifying person; to someone you can claim as your dependent on your return, or to your child who will not be age 19 or older by the end of the year even if he or she is not your dependent. You must identify the care provider(s) on your tax return.

5. Your filing status must be single, married filing jointly, head of household or qualifying widow(er) with a dependent child.

6. The qualifying person must have lived with you for more than half of 2011. There are exceptions for the birth or death of a qualifying person, or a child of divorced or separated parents. See Publication 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses.

7. The credit can be up to 35 percent of your qualifying expenses, depending upon your adjusted gross income.

8. For 2011, you may use up to $3,000 of expenses paid in a year for one qualifying individual or $6,000 for two or more qualifying individuals to figure the credit.

9. The qualifying expenses must be reduced by the amount of any dependent care benefits provided by your employer that you deduct or exclude from your income, such as a flexible spending account for daycare expenses.

10. If you pay someone to come to your home and care for your dependent or spouse, you may be a household employer and may have to withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare tax and pay federal unemployment tax. See Publication 926, Household Employer's Tax Guide.

If you need any more information let us know.

Friday, April 6, 2012


A majority of our farm clients are incorporated so the March 1st filing requirement for farmers does not apply. But, unincorporated farmers file by March 1 of each year to escape having to pay estimated tax payments in January. This year, many farmers received their Form 1099 from MF Global very late and in many cases after March 1.

The IRS just announced penalty relief for any farmers who had to file their return after March 1 due to MF Global. This release indicated that the IRS understood the magnitude of the records and associated untangling of MF Global records delayed the issuance of forms 1099, so they have provided instructions on how to get out of the penalty.

A farmer will need to file form 2210-F with their return, but write “MF Global” at the top of the form and attach a statement indicating they were late due to the untimely receipt of form 1099s from MF Global.


Q. I blew it. I owe tax and don’t have any money. What do I do? Am I going to jail? Should I hide?

A. The worst thing you can do is ignore the problem. If you owe tax with your federal tax return, but can't afford to pay it all when you file, there are some things you can do to keep interest and penalties to a minimum.

· File your return on time and pay as much as you can with the return. By doing this it will eliminate the late filing penalty, reduce the late payment penalty and cut down on interest charges

· Consider obtaining a loan or paying by credit card. The interest rate and fees charged by a bank or credit card company may be lower than interest and penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Code

· Request an installment payment agreement. You do not need to wait for IRS to send you a bill before requesting a payment agreement. Options for requesting an agreement include:
 • Using the Online Payment Agreement application and
 • Completing and submitting IRS Form 9465-FS, Installment Agreement Request, with your return IRS charges a user fee to set up your payment agreement. See or the installment agreement request form for fee amounts.

· Request an extension of time to pay. For tax year 2011, if you qualify you may request an extension of time to pay and have the late payment penalty waived as part of the IRS Fresh Start Initiative.

To see if you qualify visit and get form 1127-A, Application for Extension of Time for Payment. But hurry, your application must be filed by April 17, 2012. Good luck, and start saving for 2012. Estimated payments are due 4/15/12, 6/15/12, 9/15/12 and 1/15/13. I would work on the 2011 first.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Most people must file their tax return on April 17th this year but some taxpayers get more time to file without having to ask for it.

These include:
• Taxpayers abroad. U.S. citizens and resident aliens who live and work abroad, as well as members of the military on duty outside the U.S., have until June 15 to file. Tax payments are still due April 17.
• Members of the military and others serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or other combat zone localities. Typically, taxpayers can wait until at least 180 days after they leave the combat zone to file returns and pay any taxes due. For details, see Extensions of Deadlines in Publication 3 , Armed Forces Tax Guide.
 • People affected by certain tornadoes, severe storms, floods and other recent natural disasters. Currently, parts of Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia are covered by federal disaster declarations, and affected individuals and businesses in these areas have until May 31 to file and pay.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Recently I was in Chicago speaking at an industry conference.  After my tax program a participant came up to me and said that he had been contacted by a group that promised him a refund due to a “loophole” in the tax law that would give him some type of education credit.  He was going to have to send them some money to have them get the credit for him.  My advise… run.

As a matter of fact the IRS recently issued a warning about the new scheme.  Scammers have been targeting senior citizens, members of church groups, working families and other potential victims this tax season.  Just like the person that talked to me, the schemes promise large tax refunds to people who have little or no income and normally don’t have a tax filing requirement. Promoters claim they can obtain for their victims a tax refund or nonexistent stimulus payment based on the American Opportunity Tax Credit, even if the victim was not enrolled in or paying for college.

Con-artists falsely claim the tax refunds are available even if the victim went to school decades ago. A variation of the scheme also falsely claims the college credit is available to compensate people for paying taxes on their groceries. Huh?

The schemes can be extremely costly for the victims. Promoters may charge them exorbitant upfront fees to file the tax claims and are often gone before victims discover that they have been scammed.

There is a bigger problem in that regardless of who prepared their tax return, the taxpayer is legally responsible for the accuracy of your tax return and must repay any refunds received in error, plus any penalties and interest. You could even face criminal prosecution.

In recent weeks, the IRS said it has identified and stopped an upswing in these bogus tax refund claims coming in from across the country.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Q:I am the owner of a business and I am going to start paying health insurance for my employees.Does it make a difference who's name the policy is under?

A:You did not tell me what form of business you are using.
 Here is the chart:
  • Sole Proprietorship = Individuals name
  • Single Member LLC = Individuals name
  • Partnership = Partner or company
  • LLC = Partner or company
  • One worker S corporation = Shareholder of company
  • Two or more worker S Corporation = Company
  • C corporation = Company


Q: I just received a 1099C from a credit card company.  The attachment says that the amount is due to debt that they forgave.  They said that it may be taxable. Can you explain?  I did not get any money from the company.  How can that be taxable?  The amount is $31,269.

A: This can be a little complicated.  I strongly suggest that you work with a competent professional on this matter. 

You aren't the only ones surprised by 1099C's.  There are a lot of them being sent out due to the poor economy.  Lenders, like the credit card companies, are required to send out these 1099's or face steep penalties.  Realize that they also send a copy to the IRS.  We have found some discrepancies in the 1099's.  Discrepancies include amount of debt written off, when the debt was written off and wrong taxpayer numbers.

Here is the deal on the tax law:  Debt that is canceled or forgiven is considered taxable income. There are a couple of exceptions which is why you need to be working with a competent professional.  If you can prove that the debt was discharged in bankruptcy or if you were insolvent then you might meet the exception. 

If you happen to meet one of the exceptions you still need to recognize the 1099C on the tax return and then explain why it was not taxable.  If you do not, you most likely will get a letter or visit from the IRS.