Friday, January 11, 2013


For Nebraska Farmers Only

Tina, one of our great CPAs, just sent an internal e-mail reminding us about the unemployment requirements for Nebraska farmers.  It thought it would be a good reminder to try and spread out your wages over the entire year rather than just waiting until the last quarter.

She had been keeping a close eye on farmer's payroll amounts that are going over the level and now qualify for unemployment ($20,000.00 cash and/or commodity wages in a quarter).  A list has been started and the plan is to sign them up on-line and then send out a letter letting them know what is happening and that they will now need to file this additional quarterly report.  She has found that it is both less time consuming and there is no worry about late forms if it is simply done on-line.  There is an amount due though, and the letters will have instructions about how much is due and where to send it.  She is planning on doing this in the next few days so if you get something in the mail from us be sure to look it over and call with any questions.

As you well know, once the farmer is subject the Unemployment tax, they must file reports quarterly.  When wages go under $20,000 in all quarters for two consecutive years, they will no longer be subject to the tax.