Friday, March 21, 2008


Here are some funny song titles from Aaron Wilburn's video on You Tube.

  • How can I miss you when you won't go away?

  • If I shot you when I wanted to, I'd be out by now.

  • I'm so miserable without you, it's almost like having you here.

  • Take me out to the cornfield honey, I'll kiss you between the ears.

  • The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in DC.

  • If the phone doesn't ring, you'll know it's me.

  • When you leave, walk out backwards so I'll think you're coming in.

  • If you won't leave me alone, I'll find someone who will.

  • Sorry I made you cry, but at least your face is cleaner.
To view the whole video on You Tube, visit the following link. If My Nose Was Running Money