Friday, March 21, 2008


(Nebraska Ag Connection) -- In a joint letter delivered to state senators, several Nebraska organizations have expressed strong opposition to LB1174, the legislation designed to replace Initiative 300. Groups signing the letter included the Nebraska Cattlemen, Nebraska Corn Growers Association, Nebraska Soybean Association, Nebraska Pork Producers, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nebraska Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Nebraska Bankers Association and Nebraska Farm Bureau. The letter states that, if passed, LB1174 "would have a detrimental effect on Nebraska agriculture, putting more regulations on family farmers at a time when they actually need more flexibility to secure capital support through a variety of business relationships." According to the letter, LB1174 also limits the choices of retiring farmers in transferring their farm operations to younger generations, limits the opportunities for beginning farmers to enter agriculture and takes away several risk management tools that are important for family farms. Todd Stuthman of Columbus, president-elect of the Nebraska Pork Producers Association, is concerned LB1174 would limit the ability of producers to work together. "LB 1174 does not provide the flexibility needed for unrelated farmers or ranchers to combine their efforts and assets to address risk and opportunities in today's agriculture," Stuthman said. "The restrictions would be especially harmful to unrelated beginning farmers who want to pool resources, and retiring farmers who want the ability to transfer their businesses to younger farmers." Despite Initiative 300's presence in the state's constitution, Nebraska had 20% fewer Nebraska farms in 2006 than in 1985, according to the USDA