(Associated Press/JournalStar.com) -- The AP reports that dust -- "a fact of life for farmers" -- is not being exempted for agriculture under new environmental regulations. "'It’s such a non-commonsense idea that you can keep dust within a property line when the wind blows,'" according to Iowa's U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley. "Under rules imposed in 2006, rural areas would be kept to the same standards as urban areas for what the EPA calls 'coarse particulate matter' in the air. ... The U.S. District Court of Appeals in Washington ruled Tuesday that the EPA had already provided the evidence necessary to determine farm dust 'likely is not safe.'" A lawyer for livestock interests said this means "farmers now face the daunting task of proving a negative — that the dust is not harmful."
Read more at http://journalstar.com/articles/2009/03/02/news/business/doc49a8682ec2acf009412008.txt